So often I hear my friends and clients complain that they can’t get as many days between washes because it gets too greasy but mostly because of that damn, what I like to call, sleep part.

You know the one. And if you don’t, here’s a picture of mine to show you what I’m talking about.
Often times women think that they are balding at the crown of their head when they see it, but it’s just where your hair splits and doesn’t lay flat. It can at best annoying and at worst be something you feel self conscious about.
I’ve found a solution though! With the help of an Invisabobble, the hair tie I use in the video below, and my two favourite dry shampoos, Unite Refresher, and Voir’s She’s like the Wind (use code dbhair to save 10%)
So heres a video I’ve put together to show you how I combat that nasty split.
You might be wondering why invisabobble and not a regular hair elastic? I was so sick of having to choose between the ‘sleep part’ or the crease in my hair from regular elastics, but now I don’t have to.
For any of you who don’t know about these amazing hair ties, the best thing about them is not only that they are pretty but that they don’t leave creases or kinks in your hair, seriously. And you all know I’m the biggest sceptic and always want to give you my 100% honest opinion. Ive been using then for months now and am addicted. If its not in my hair its around my wrist.:-)
Plus, an added bonus is when I put my hair up to work out it never falls out, I thought for sure it would be less secure than an elastic and fall all over the place, but once again I was proven wrong, thank goodness for that!
So for those of you already saying “but my hair isn’t this long,” try only pulling back the top half. Or if your hair is shorter yet, try bobby pins.
Another great tip for your hair and your skin is to invest in a silk or satin pillow case. It not only reducing wrinkles, but also allows your hair to move around more freely and avoid getting ‘stuck’ in one position all night.
What do you all think? Is this something you will try?
Let me know your thoughts and what future hair hacks you’d like to see in the comments below.
xo Dawn