Mar 12, 2018

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3 steps to perfect hair.




Perfect hair, does it even exist?

As long as I’ve been a stylist (which is coming up 17 years, what the heck!) women have struggled with styling their hair at home. It either doesn’t do what they want it do, or it looks too “done.” I totally get it, I struggle with my own hair too.          

Thankfully, wearable, touchable hair is in. And all can I say is “HELLS YA!” I’ve always been more of a red carpet stylist than fashion runway (fyi, I’m actually neither. I cave under pressure. I don’t know if I could handle meeting celebrities) but what I mean is, I love that the hair you see on the red carpets looks effortless. 

So thats why I’m here to share with you 3 steps to perfect hair at home.  

Step 1: stop trying so hard

Like seriously. The more you fuss and fight with it the more you will start to mold it into something different or a little too done looking. Shake your head back and forth or flip it upside down, but don’t start picking at all the little pieces.

Also, if you have a certain shape you want it in, make sure to add a little light hold gel or mousse and blow dry your hair first.  Trying to get movement and volume into something that has dried in a different shape is a losing battle.

Step 2: take a step back

This is one I often have to remind myself of. Getting zoned in is great, don’t get me wrong, but focusing in too hard can have you not seeing the whole picture.

 I like to  take a step back from doing  hair so I can see the whole thing, not just the section I’m working on.  Most of the time it looks awesome when I just back up and chill the off out  :-), and sometimes when I see everything, I find a different way I want to work with that piece.

Step 3: use the right tools and products

Dawn Lyndsey-dbrad-0021.jpgDawn Lyndsey-dbrad-0021.jpg

 OMG, this might be the most important! If you aren’t using the right tools and products you aren’t going to be able to achieve the right look. How many times have you left the hairstylist wishing you could recreate the look at home but when you try it just doesnt work. But are you using the same products they are? Often time stylists forget to share with you what they use (I know I’ve been guilty of this one) but let me tell you as a stylist that it’s a big part in achieving those looks. One of my favourites is  Texturiza by Unite . It’s like a hair spray but not. Spraying it kinda reminds me of those cans of compressed air you get for your keyboard. It gives the best light hold grip to those tousled curls. ( and you can grab it online for 20% off this month with promo code UNDONE20) 

BONUS Step 4: wear it for a while.

Sometimes the best hair happens after you let it sit for awhile. If you are feeling frustrated and ready to pull your hair out, walk away or do something else, maybe your make up, my hair always looks 1000x better after doing my make up 🙂

Did these tips help? Let me know how they go. 

And if you have any questions, leave me a comment.



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