Anyone else feel last week was extra long and hard? I couldn’t sleep, I felt sluggish, and my anxiety was sitting higher than it usually does. This happens every once in a while for me.
After speaking with a few friends and realizing it wasn’t just me feeling this way, I thought I’d share with you all 4 ways I keep my anxiety in check.
1. Sleep
This is a big one for me. If I don’t sleep well or long enough my anxiety can get the best of me. I’m working at less screen time before bed. This week I failed at that and my sleep suffered. Having a quiet mind while I drift off is so important. I find I often need to write things down so I can get them out of my head in order to fall asleep.
2. Exercise
I have a love/hate relationship with this one because I often know it’s what will make me feel better but it’s the last thing I want to do. Just a couple days ago I felt like I was in such a slump. I eventually made it to the gym, thanks to a good friend who drove to my house, picked me up, and came with me. I ended up walking on the treadmill for 45 min and while I just wasn’t up to any more than that, it got me feeling better. I used to think that unless I was going to go all out at the gym what was the point, but I know now that, for me, just burning off some of the anxious energy, even by walking, helps. Do what you can, even if it’s the smallest effort.
3. Food
My biggest struggle. Do you know how much I love nachos and anything with peanut butter? Seriously I’ve struggled to be a healthy eater my whole life. I tend to binge and eat in private (often in my car! You can read more about how this is tied to my emotions in my blog post about my divorce.). When I have a good handle on my diet I see my energy levels change, my mood change, and my overall well being. But I still like to indulge and treat myself (where are those leftover mini eggs at?!?).
4. Socializing
This one can be especially tough for for this introverted gal. Add in not feeling great and all I want to do is hermit. Since moving to Calgary and not having those close friends, you know the ones you can just sit and do nothing with, its been hard. The thought of the effort its going to take to get out there and socialize often increases my anxiety. Pushing past it and finding activities that will make socializing easier helps. Sometimes i regret going out, some times I feel more energized, but all in all its worth it. And sometimes I just need to sit and home and cuddle Leroy.
I wish there was a way to always have all 4 of these in check at all times. But I’ve learned it’s all about balance and being gentle with myself as I shift and change. Rarely, if ever will everything be 100%. But the more aware I’ve become of these things getting unbalanced the quicker I can get them back in alignment.
What techniques do you find help you out when you are struggling?
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