May 7, 2018

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The Wildest Thing I ever did…




If you follow me on instagram you may have heard my story before. 4 years ago I  took the biggest risk of my life.

 Yesterday while walking Leroy with my boyfriend I started reflecting on it. I think my exact words were “Holy shit I really just went for it, didn’t I? I was so sure of myself. That’s the wildest thing I’ve ever done”

September 2014, I packed up my salon, sold my house and jumped in my car to start a new adventure. For me, it was a clean slate. So while we walked  I looked back in awe of how courageous and confident I was.

I do remember the hesitation in others when I would tell them about what I was about to do and their very well meaning suggestions as to how I should go about moving and starting over:

“You should probably go back into working at a salon. Ya know, get a job in Calgary before you move. “

“Don’t sell you house, just in case things don’t work out you can come back.”

And I totally get it.

What my gut was telling me to do went against any logical thinking. But I had to go with it. So when I arrived in Calgary on that Monday evening, I had no job, no prospects, and no worries.

I kept trying to appease those external and internal voices that told me that doing my own thing  in a new city was unrealistic and that it couldn’t and shouldn’t be done. But I just couldn’t shake it. I even had my resume all done up but physically couldn’t go hand them out. I knew I wanted to do it differently. I checked out chair rentals, but still, it wasn’t right.  I had to follow my intuition. 

So a couple weeks after moving I decided  to work from my basement.  And if I’m being honest with you guys, I didn’t love the idea, I’m a private person and the thought of having strangers in my home felt weird. But it was the sacrifice I was willing to make while I started my attempt of building a clientele here.

I had no idea that I would book up so quickly. I used these  7 steps  and by December I was fully booked into February. I actually blew myself away. 

After a year of working from home I found my place. Now I get to work one on one with my clients in my own boutique salon in downtown Calgary.

So trust those wild thoughts you have, those dreams you can’t seem to shake, and go with your gut even when everything else is saying to do something else. 

xx D

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I am just a small-town, Canadian gal from the prairies who teaches thousands of creatives around the globe how to earn 6-figures stress-free!

Hey, I’m Dawn!

“Rock Your Business” Course Creator, Host of “The Anxious Creative” Podcast. Named by Salon Magazine as Canada’s #1 women of influence.

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