Ok so, I haven’t been very present online. If you follow me on social media you may have noticed my absence. These past couple of weeks have felt like a whirlwind.
I like to keep you all in the loop with what’s going on behind the scenes, because that’s real life and it’s so easy to only see the finished products of other peoples lives and not the work, stress and sacrifice behind it all.
About 3 weeks ago, Nick and I went for a walk in a neighbourhood that we love and have dreamt about living in. As we walked, we dreamed of buying a home in inner city Calgary where we would be able to walk and bike everywhere.
Near the end of our walk we turned a corner and saw a For Sale sign on a place.
I don’t remember our exact conversation but we when we got home we looked it up and spontaneously decided to ask for a viewing.
We had no idea what price range we should even be looking at and if this place was something we could afford but we thought, ‘What the heck, let’s start at least start looking at places.’
Well, of course we fell in love with it. (Mainly the roof top patio, hello summer time margaritas, am I right?!) So we put in an offer. We don’t waste time do we? This past week, when we were closing the deal, Nick was across the continent in Washington DC for the week and told me he trusted me with everything. ( Isn’t he the best!?) Everything went smoothly right until the day our conditions were to be removed.
In the final moments, while Nick was in flight and unreachable, everything fell apart and time ran out on our offer. But I could feel it wasn’t over and trusted my gut. Fast forward through two days full on anxiety and fear of losing our dream home, and all the papers are signed and we are now officially home owners , WOOHOOO!!! ( can you picture us dancing around in excitement?) I’ve never been more proud of myself for waiting it out and trusting my intuition. Also, this is Nicks first time owning a home so if ya know him give him a high five next time you see him.
The 2nd craziest part of this all, we take possession June 15. In less than 3 weeks, WHAT!!!!
So you can imagine how much my mind has been completely consumed with this all. And I’m 99.9% sure it will be much of the same for the next 3 weeks. So pardon all the grammatical errors and spelling mistakes in this post, my brain is in overdrive.
I think buying a home may just be one of life’s most stressful events, anyone agree?I can’t wait to move in and get settled. Maybe even give you all an online tour? What do ya think?
Fun fact, I haven’t lived anywhere longer than 2.5 years in the past 17 years of my life. So I’m excited to be putting down roots, and hoping that this place is our somewhat forever home. (can you sense my hesitation to settling down?!)
So that’s what’s been going on with me, your turn, whats going on in your world?