Mar 21, 2019

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how to avoid anxiety when building a clientele

business, podcast


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Creativity and anxiety tend to come together, and sometimes it makes creativity feel like a curse. And it doesn’t help that creative careers involve a lot of anxiety-inducing activities, like putting yourself out there and talking to people when you’d rather hide from everyone and just create stuff.

Creativity and anxiety tend to come together, and sometimes it makes creativity feel like a curse.

And it doesn’t help that creative careers involve a lot of anxiety-inducing activities, like putting yourself out there and talking to people when you’d rather hide from everyone and just create stuff.

In this edition of The Anxious Creative, you’re going to learn all about overcoming the anxiety of building your clientele.

If you’re anything like me, talking to strangers kind of freaks you out. This sucks, because that’s how you spread the word about your services and get booked!

Luckily, I’ve gotten pretty good at this. Over the past eighteen years of doing hair (OMG I feel so old!) I’ve rebuilt my client list from scratch several times in three different cities.

I’m going to tell you exactly how I did it. Buckle up, ‘cause there’s a little tough love from Dawn (but I promise, it’ll change your life).

Here’s what we’ll cover in this solo Dawn episode:

  • The moment when I stopped making excuses (like blaming my salon for not getting me clients) and took responsibility for my own business. This one decision changed EVERYTHING.

  • How I built a clientele from scratch in 3 months and got booked solid, months in advance!

  • The numbers game I used to get more comfortable talking to people.

  • How to ditch the excuses that hold you back from getting clients. (Yeah, it sucks to get called out on excuses, but you’ll grow so much! And so will your business!)

  • My tips and a book recommendation for how NOT to take things personally.

  • The biggest reason why clients leave, and how to avoid it.

At the end of the day, it’s your job to get clients in your chair. Excuses take the responsibility off of you, which is kind of nice, but it doesn’t grow your business.

Taking that responsibility is a hard step, but it’s crucial to realize you have that power.

Own it. Your business will thank you.  

want to learn how to grow fast?

click the button below and grab my “7 key steps to grow your clientele”

** don’t see the button? try refreshing the page **

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I am just a small-town, Canadian gal from the prairies who teaches thousands of creatives around the globe how to earn 6-figures stress-free!

Hey, I’m Dawn!

“Rock Your Business” Course Creator, Host of “The Anxious Creative” Podcast. Named by Salon Magazine as Canada’s #1 women of influence.

Get to know me! :-)

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