Today I’m so excited to chat with Livia, one of my students and a kickass stylist and business owner.
Get this: She graduated from hair school in 2018 and opened her first salon in 2019. AND she hired her first employee. She’s also quadrupled her income in the past two years, and she’s only 20!
To top it all off, she even lives in my hometown and we graduated from the same high school just a *few* years apart! (Okay, more like, 20 years apart…but I digress).
Livia is a master of taking massive leaps and doing business HER way, so I wanted to talk to her about how she managed to start on the right foot at such a young age, and in a small town.
Here’s what you’ll hear in this episode:
Livia’s journey and how she found the courage to take the leap into her own business.
How she handles the challenge of not being taken seriously as a salon owner because of her age.
What she’s doing differently from the typical small-town salon. (Like giving herself time off. Unheard of!)
Why “paying your dues” is bullshit.
The guilt of doing well (this is totally a thing).
A rundown of some of her most amazing business accomplishments. (This is totally possible for you too!)
Why consultations are the best thing ever (I can’t say this enough!)
How to stay open to opportunities so you can grow!
Plus lots of bonding over our hometown 🙂
I wish I could go back in time and hire Livia as my mentor when I first started out! It’s incredible what she’s been able to do in just two years of being a hairstylist. I love that she’s totally snubbing industry “norms” (like working yourself to death) because it’s made such a difference in her business growth!
If you get nothing else from this episode, I hope it’s this: you don’t have to do business the way everyone else does it. It’s okay to be different!
For more Livia, check out her website and follow her on Instagram!
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