“you gave me the courage”
Oh my gosh, I’m so excited for you to dive into this episode of The Anxious Creative Podcast. I’ve got a special guest, Sarah Mitchell. She’s an RYB Alumni, a rad stylist and one of the coolest people I know (we also might be long-lost twins).
You can also listen and subscribe to The Anxious Creative on iTunes, Google Play and Spotify.
Oh my gosh, I’m so excited for you to dive into this episode of The Anxious Creative Podcast. I’ve got a special guest, Sarah Mitchell. She’s an RYB Alumni, a rad stylist and one of the coolest people I know (we also might be long-lost twins).
She joined Rock Your Business in July, right in the middle of a pandemic, and she’s been making huge waves in her business.
You are going to love this.
A Fiery Start
Sarah grew up in Nova Scotia in a small town on Cape Breton Island, she then moved to Ontario and worked in Waterloo as a stylist for 10 years.
One of her first jobs was at a salon in a mall. She sort of lit a fire in that salon…
Not literally though!
Her boss decided to put a deadbolt on a fire exit door, this was the back door of the salon to get out of the mall. Sarah wasn’t happy about this and really didn’t want to die in a fiery blaze (man I didn’t realize how many stylists/barbers thought about fire hazards in their workplace… I feel like I should be more concerned about my space…)
Sarah called the fire department and told them about the deadbolt. Her employer wasn’t particularly happy about Sarah ratting them out to the fire department. Luckily for Sarah she had no problem quitting as she had another job lined up.
About a month ago, Sarah made the move to Hamilton and she’s been working in the industry for 12 years now.
Getting Out of Your Own Way
Sarah has been making huge shifts in her career and it started with the move to Hamilton, Ontario.
Sarah actually says that I’m the one who gave her the courage to make the move and that seriously fills my heart so much.
When she made the decision she was super excited and ready, she was in “let’s do this” mode. About a week later it changed to “wtf am I doing?” She was leaving clients that she’d had for nearly 10 years.
Getting out of her own way and stepping out of her comfort zone was important for Sarah to make shifts.
One of the biggest challenges for Sarah was talking to strangers. She admits that it was uncomfortable and awkward at first and she had some weird conversations with people.
After a few awkward, uncomfortable conversations there were a few that were very natural and one girl even said “I’m actually looking for a new hairstylist!” and Sarah confidently handed her her business card.
6 months ago Sarah would’ve never had the courage to talk to a stranger. Now she’s doing it intentionally with the goal to get new clients.
Rockin’ Her Biz
Sarah joined Rock Your Business July 2020, right smack in the middle of a pandemic.
After making the purchase, Sarah actually felt physically ill and like she was going to barf.
“I can’t believe I did that. Omg… wtf did I just do?!”
She emailed my team the next day saying she thought she had made a mistake and that the program wasn’t the right fit for her.
I could tell from that email that Sarah was made for huge things and I wanted to remind her that I was there for her, so I sent her a personal video reply. Sarah says that this email really showed her that I care and that she wasn’t alone in Rock Your Business.
I really care about developing connections and relationships with all my students.
Sarah says that the driving force was the community and the weekly guidance. If she had been given the program and told “okay, go ahead and do this at your own pace” she knows that she never would’ve completed it.
I have seen that the people who get the greatest success are the ones who stay connected with the community.
Isn’t Sarah the coolest person ever?! (Even if she doesn’t fully believe it herself). She’s done some amazing things, despite a global pandemic. I’m so glad she didn’t let her fear control her and she decided to commit to herself and to the growth of her business.
I’m so thankful that Sarah came and shared her story of tremendous guts and confidence. It’s been such an honor to be alongside her the past six months and see the growth she’s achieved (even if there’s been a few times she’s felt like crapping her pants).
If you’re in awe of Sarah and what she’s done go shoot her a DM over on Instagram @sardoeshair
You can change the way your business is going, even despite the pandemic, if you’re willing to take the leap. Get on the waitlist for Rock Your Business, I’d love to mentor you to the best year ever.