This podcast is dedicated to helping you create a fulfilling life, booming business and a continually growing bank account!
Oct 22, 2020
I’m no stranger to mental health. (Maybe you’ve heard of my podcast, The *Anxious* Creative?)
I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety at 19 years old (in hindsight, I went undiagnosed at a much younger age). I remember coming home crying after getting my diagnosis because of the stigmas I believed about it. I thought it made me a bad person, or that I could never be enough with these labels on me.
I’m no stranger to mental health. (Maybe you’ve heard of my podcast, The *Anxious* Creative?)
I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety at 19 years old (in hindsight, I went undiagnosed at a much younger age). I remember coming home crying after getting my diagnosis because of the stigmas I believed about it. I thought it made me a bad person, or that I could never be enough with these labels on me.
A small town Canadian girl, recovering people pleaser, former workaholic, lover of nachos, and big fan of puppies, who wants to help you create a life, business and bank account you’ve always dreamed of, while ditching the stress and anxiety of it all.
I’m now teaching you how to stand up for yourself , communicate effectively and charge without fear!
Let’s hang out…
I’m so excited to bring you another episode of The Anxious Creative with special guest, an RYB Alumni and Mastermind member, Rebecca Anthony.
I’ve seriously been waiting for this episode for SO long.
Rebecca’s been a fan of the show since its inception 2 years ago. (For those OG listeners, you might recall that my show hasn’t always been called The Anxious Creative).
I’m that girl who had no boundaries (in life and business) who eventually landed herself in the ER from a stress induced panic attack. I love nachos, hanging out with my pup, and spending the whole day with bedhead binging shows. My goal? To show others that you don’t have to be stressed out all the time, you can be lazy and super successful!
We’re back at it again with another awesome episode of The Anxious Creative.
This week I’ve got my friend and student Jen Shattuck from Oregon coming to chat about moving across the country, learning new techniques and following your dreams.
She’s been in the hair industry for 14 years (a little longer if you count schooling). She had an amazing opportunity to start cosmetology education in high school. Before she took the class she could barely paint her nails or do makeup, she didn’t know anything about cosmetology!
I’m 15, ninth grade is almost over, summer vacation is looming and I’m working towards the biggest goal of my life.
I’ve wanted this for as long as I can remember.
I was working towards becoming a certified lifeguard. I took all the classes, spent hours and tons of my parents money learning.
Weekends were spent in the dingy basement of my small-town swimming pool building, learning and practicing to save lives.
I was pumped. There was one more course to take for me to get my official “Life Guard” title (including the sunglasses and whistle).
Join us for heartfelt conversations on navigating business, relationships, and the unique challenges of a creative life. Laugh, shed a tear, and embrace the cringe as we share stories that unite us in our struggles and triumphs. This is your space to feel understood, inspired, and less alone on your creative path.