Jan 17, 2022

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How To Be Lazy and Successful


A flatlay image of a stack of notebooks (one pink and the other turquoise) with a pair of shears and a comb on the top. Text overlay reads "the secret to being lazy and successful"

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“if there’s one thing I’m consistent with, it’s being inconsistent.”

Think laziness and success can’t coexist? Think again!

I have an ironic topic for you, how you can be lazy & super successful.

Keep reading and you’ll walk away with knowing how to:

  1. Stop glorifying being busy

  2. Make smart decisions that save you time

  3. Go at your own pace and why that’s important

You’ll know that laziness isn’t a sign of the unsuccessful, it’s the exact opposite if you want it to be.

P.S The Build Your Business Bootcamp starts THIS SUNDAY, January 23rd!The Build Your Business Bootcamp is a 5-day FREE challenge to help you attract clients you love, set boundaries, get organized and set your prices properly. I will be personally guiding you through all the good stuff. You in? Join the FREE challenge Facebook group RIGHT HERE. (Don’t be like me and say you’ll do it later, cause you’ll forget, so go ahead and request to join right now.) This is gonna be SO good!

I’ve told myself many lies in my life. And I’ve been told a lot of lies as well.

One of the biggest lies I’ve ever heard was: you can’t be lazy and successful.

Yeah, okay. To that I say: *blows raspberry*

I spent too long in my life trying to be someone I wasn’t. Trying to “hustle” to the top, finding my worth in how “busy” I was (only to end up in a hospital bed with a stress-induced panic attack). 

I was told my whole life that I’m lazy and it was always said with negative connotations. But what if I told you that being lazy can actually help you succeed?

I’m here to tell you that you can be lazy and still be super successful. That laziness that you’ve been fighting with your entire life? It’s time to embrace it as your superpower, friend. 

Your Superpower

I’m not trying to be cutesy when I say that laziness can be your superpower, I’m 100% serious. 

We often think that if we’re not 100% in we should be 100% out. If I’m being honest, the only thing I’m consistent with is being inconsistent. We have a mindset of “if I’m not good at it why should I do it?” which can often hold us back in many areas. (Like how I used to think I absolutely sucked at cleaning my house and how I should just never do it because I suck at it.)

So I want you to take a moment to think about all the areas that you feel “lazy” in. Write them down on a piece of paper and then ask yourself how you can use it to your advantage. 

My laziness is honestly the most efficient thing about myself because I want to get things done in the quickest, most streamlined way possible. My laziness helps me take the most direct route from point A to point B. Even if to someone else it seems like it’s a little indirect. 

A Different Perspective

A lot of times we end up beating ourselves up over the way our brains work as creative people. Because we tend to look at the world differently and end up doing things against the grain, or differently, or not as fast as others and we tend to put things off. 

Despite countless words of caution that we’re not doing it “correctly”, it ends up working better for us. 

In fact, it’s been proven that people who procrastinate actually come up with better solutions (score one for the lazy peeps). When you procrastinate you’re actually giving your brain more time to look at the situation from all angles. 

That being said, I know I will take as much time as I can to do something and I do require a due date or a time urgency. 

Look at the areas of your life that you thought were “bad”, “wrong”, “a struggle” or “negative” in any way. How can you view those in a different perspective? 

I want you to realize that the perspective you have of yourself and your “imperfect” characteristics might actually be your superpower. 

You Are Enough

I’m here to remind you that you are not behind, you are not inept and you are certainly not useless. Laziness is actually your strength. 

As service providers, we typically think we have to “do more” or “be more” in order to find success. I’m here to tell you there are many ways to grow your business and your revenue without doing more. 

I want you to build a business that doesn’t require you to “hustle” to be successful. 

It’s time to stop being so hard on yourself. You are qualified and you are allowed to be successful, whatever that definition is for you. 

I want to encourage you to sleep in that extra hour, to take that vacation you’ve been dreaming of, to not clean your house, to do what feels right for you, even if others may view it as “lazy”. 

Being lazy is your superpower, stop trying to wish it away. I want to invite you to join me in ditching the glorification of the hustle. 

The last couple of years have shown us that we can’t keep going the way we used to. So why not pivot in a way that serves you better? Work should fund your life, not run your life. 

I hope you’re walking away knowing that laziness isn’t a bad thing. You deserve success just as much as the next guy. 

If you were inspired by this post, shoot me a DM over on Instagram @dawnbradleyhair. I seriously love hearing from you.

Let’s be besties?

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I am just a small-town, Canadian gal from the prairies who teaches thousands of creatives around the globe how to earn 6-figures stress-free!

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“Rock Your Business” Course Creator, Host of “The Anxious Creative” Podcast. Named by Salon Magazine as Canada’s #1 women of influence.

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