Nov 26, 2021

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[Black Friday Bonus] Why Having Anxiety Isn’t Such a Bad Thing


It is so great, hearing stories of other entrepreneurs, especially when they’ve started a business that helps other beauty professionals.

If you’ve followed me for a while you know I LOVE SalonScale, it was a game changer for my business and you also know I would never promote something that I didn’t personally use in my business and support fully. This is why I am so excited to share a sweet Black Friday deal with you. I know, I know, you’re thinking ‘another Black Friday Deal’… BUT what if this deal could save you time and money in your business and part of your sanity?! Right NOW SalonScale is offering their BIGGEST sale of the year and it’s the last time they will be offering a deal this amazing. Get 50% off any annual package with SalonScale. This promotion is on right now and ends on Monday and is available for everyone. Whether you’re new to salon scale or an existing member you can be on your way to a profitable 2022 in your business. Head over here and get your hands on this last chance deal of 50% off any annual package!

That’s not all! Make sure you mention my name while checking out and get a free live workshop with me to help you implement bringing SalonScale into your business (don’t worry even if you can’t make it I’ll send you the recording to keep).

In the free workshop learn how to:

  • get your clients on board & excited with the new parts & labour charges

  •  seamlessly start using SalonScale without any confusion or hiccups

  • How to earn back the cost of salon scale in under a month

So if you’ve been looking for a sign, this is it! Click here and make sure you put my name in the checkout! (even if you are an existing customer of SalonScale you can still grab this deal!)

subscribe & listen on your favorite app!



eliminate the guesswork and gain confidence

wanna listen in to a conversation with Alicia ( SalonScale CEO ) and myself? Press play

By Alicia Soulier

We’ve all experienced this. There you are, minding your own business on your couch, listening to your favourite podcast. The subtle scent of patchouli courses through the diffuser, and you feel at peace with yourself. And then out of nowhere it happens. You start thinking about your appointment with Amanda back in 2008 and think “Ugh why didn’t I just tell her that it would take two appointments! She hates me!” Now you start to spiral and begin to question every moment that brought you here. The smell of patchouli in the air turns stale and all you want is a Cab Sav and a quick phone call to your Mom. You know what I am talking about. Our dear old friend anxiety. 

There were many moments throughout my career where I experienced this. Particularly when I started, I was so fearful of losing clients. I didn’t want to be the person that “ruined” their hair, or tainted their experience at the salon. There were many days where I sat and questioned my clients’ experience behind the chair. “Well she said she liked it, but she was probably being really nice,” or thoughts of “That wasn’t good enough, I can do better.”

To sum it up anxiety is EXHAUSTING. I think many of us feel this constant pressure to do better, be better, be the best and often forget to be in the moment and say, “I am so proud of where I am, and what I have become, and that is good enough for me.” I remember feeling debilitated by it. I used to think that by having anxiety meant that I wouldn’t be able to live authentically because I was constantly living in a world of fake fear. Imposter syndrome is a real thing and it definitely influences the way that we operate our businesses and build our relationships. It took me a good 5 years into my career to really change the mindset surrounding anxiety. Rather than looking at it as a hindrance I started to use it to my advantage. Anytime I found myself anxious around certain conversations, or trying out a new technique I turned those feelings into feelings of excitement. It was a way for me to leverage anxiety as an opportunity builder, not as a roadblock to my future success. 

I have always believed that true growth lies in discomfort. No one loves to feel uncomfortable, but once you navigate through the discomfort you start to appreciate the lengths that you’ve gone to get you to where you are today. When I first decided to leave my salon behind and started SalonScale I was terrified. Other than running a salon I had no formal business training, knew nothing about developing apps, nor how I was going to properly execute this beautiful vision I had in my mind. Instead of succumbing to the fear though, I chose to immerse myself in the excitement of it. “What an exciting opportunity for me, to learn about an entirely different industry, while still being a part of the beauty landscape.” 

That’s what we’re all about. Eliminating the guesswork and harbouring more confidence with you and/or your staff. By having open and honest conversations with your clients’ during consultations you are not only strengthening the relationship with your guests, but you also eliminate the “what are they really thinking” conversations you have in your head. Having a tool like SalonScale in your back pocket during your consultations can really help your clients understand what they are paying for and eliminate the “fear of failure.”

Let’s be besties?

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I am just a small-town, Canadian gal from the prairies who teaches thousands of creatives around the globe how to earn 6-figures stress-free!

Hey, I’m Dawn!

“Rock Your Business” Course Creator, Host of “The Anxious Creative” Podcast. Named by Salon Magazine as Canada’s #1 women of influence.

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