Sep 28, 2021

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How To Price Your Hair Salon Services Properly & Make More Money As A Hairstylist 


First image is a flatlay of a hairbrush, a finetooth & widetooth comb and a pair of shears. Text underneath reads "how to set pricing for your hair salon to make more money" image below is of four colorful combs

3 simple tips to make more money

I’m pushing aside the hacks, all the sleazy sales tactics and showing you the simplest way to get more money in your pocket at the end of the day. 

The biggest thing that I see happening in our industry isn’t that there’s a shortage of figuring out how to make more money. That’s easy: you just take on more clients, increase your prices or just work longer hours, right? 

In this post I wanna share the not-so-sexy ways to actually put more money in your pocket at the end of the day. (And I promise I’ll do my best to make this fun!)

You ready?

3 Simple Ways to Make More Money as a Hairstylist

1. Track your costs

I’m curious, do you know what your cost of business is? No stress if you don’t, that was me for a loooonnnng time. This is huge in knowing where your money is going. The quickest way that hairstylists steal money from themselves is not knowing how much it’s costing you to do business. 

Here’s a simple formula to find out your cost per day:

Rent per month


12 (months per year) 


52 (weeks in the year)


 the amount of days you work per week


cost of rent per day

You can do this with your bills or any other monthly costs that you have. Now you have a baseline of how much money you need to bring in each day to break even. 

PRO TIP: Tracking the cost of your product has never been easier with SalonScale. In less than 2 minutes per appointment, you’ll know exactly the cost of your product and how much you’re taking home per service. 

(check out the video above to see a full walkthrough using the SalonScale app and scale)

2. Show up to work like it’s work

For the longest time, I would just show up at work and wing it. I felt so lucky to just get to show up and hang out with friends all day. But I missed a lot of opportunities because I didn’t talk about products or other services. 

Doing business is a lot different than it was even 20 years ago. Gone are the days of having to put on a “professional” persona, never showing emotions or being vulnerable. Some of the best business owners I know are the most vulnerable. 

I want you to start showing up to work intentionally and with the openness to learn. 

3. Have a community

Did you know that accountability can increase the likelihood of success by 65-95%? That’s CRAZY. Just by telling someone else your goals, there’s a 65-95% chance you’ll achieve them. 

Community is more important than simply knowing what to do. A community will support and help show you what to do next as well as keep you accountable and on track (they might even call you out when you drop the ball). 

Without community, I don’t think I would have achieved half the things I’ve done. 

Now before you get annoyed with me that I didn’t give you any actionable steps (if you want actionable steps to raising your prices go download my freebie). I wanted to make you aware of the not-so-sexy side of things that are going to give you long-term success and get you the most return and actually put more money in your pocket. 

If you only take one thing away from this I want it to be that you need to track your costs. (And why not take away all the guessing work and make it super simple with SalonScale, it’s a total no-brainer)

If you’re ready to start making more money and you enjoyed this post, why don’t you shoot me a DM over on Instagram @dawnbradleyhair? I seriously love hearing from you

Let’s Be besties?

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I am just a small-town, Canadian gal from the prairies who teaches thousands of creatives around the globe how to earn 6-figures stress-free!

Hey, I’m Dawn!

“Rock Your Business” Course Creator, Host of “The Anxious Creative” Podcast. Named by Salon Magazine as Canada’s #1 women of influence.

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