Jan 12, 2021

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5 Things Successful Hair Stylists are Doing in 2021


Text reads "the 5 secrets of successful hairstylists in 2021" between two images. The top image is a phone with a grid of hair photos over a blue notebook. The image below is a flatlay photo a hand holds a pencil to note in an agenda & a to-do list

“what does success look like to you?”

Success can have a lot of different meanings for everyone. And I’m not just talking about monetary success, although I 100% want that for you, it’s just not the be all and end all of success. 

Success is about feeling good from the inside out. 

It’s about achieving goals in a way that when you get there you feel good about the path you took to get there. You didn’t do something slimy or sleazy to climb your way to success.

Success from the inside out is when all the different types of success fall in alignment. 

I don’t want you to just hustle and grind. I don’t want you to be working like crazy just to hit a dollar amount. 

I want you to have a life, business and bank account that you love. 

Last year threw a wrench in our industry that we did not expect and now we have to step up and start doing things differently as well as showing up differently.

The good news is that despite all that, you can still be successful and I’m going to show you exactly how with…

The 5 Secrets to a Successful Hairstylist in 2021

Secret #1: Find someone that’s been where you currently are

Finding someone who’s gone through the same things, who feels the same way as you, that you admire where they’re at now and learning from them can help you avoid the roadblocks that they had to. 

One of the best things I ever did for my business (and I did it way too late) was to invest in somebody and to invest in myself. That was the moment I started to fast-track my business.

Secret #2: Know where you’re headed

If you don’t know where you want to go, will you ever get there? You might’ve heard me say this before: 

“Your beliefs are like a compass. You head in the direction of what you believe is possible”

You need to have a destination in mind in order to get there. Or else you might be wandering aimlessly and that’ll get you lost in no time. 

Secret #3: Charge prices that you’ve only dreamed of

I want you to make big, bold moves. Now I’m not saying to throw a number out there and charge without understanding why or how. Unfortunately, too many hairstylists are undercharging without even realizing it. 

And if the thought of finances freaks you out, it’s okay, I get it. I want to make this simple for you. 
You need to know what your business is costing you. Go through your bank statements and credit cards to see what your monthly costs are. All of a sudden you might realize that what you’re charging isn’t enough. 

Secret #4: Attract only the most ideal clients by doing what no one else is willing to do

Once you know your worth, you know where you want to go and you’re ready to charge those dream prices, the fear of losing clients will slip away. 

When you know how to attract ideal clients into your business you don’t have to stress about making the schedule change, the price change, whatever changes you’re wanting to make because you know you can always find new people. 

You’re not going to be for everyone, and that’s a good thing. 

Secret #5: Get out of your comfort zone

Yikes, I know. But this is not where the growth happens. 

I know that fear of getting uncomfortable in your business and life. Having tough conversations and being able to have honest conversations. 

If you haven’t heard me talk about this before, it’s not about confrontation, it’s about honesty.

If you’re willing to get a little uncomfortable, not painful, just uncomfortable, you’re going to see growth like never before. 

If you want to have a successful 2021 you need to get a little uncomfortable. You need to trust the discomfort. 

So I want you to ask yourself:

“If what I’ve been doing keeps getting me the same results, what do I need to do differently this year?”

Maybe it’s one of these 5 things, maybe it’s a combination of a few of them. 

How can you commit to getting uncomfortable? Because that is where the true growth happens. That, combined with the rest of these secrets is what’s going to give you so much success in 2021. 

So if you want to be the most successful you in 2021, whatever success looks like for you, I wanna make sure you know that enrolment is officially open for my program Rock Your Business (A Hairstylist’s Stress-Free Guide to Earning 6 Figures) and you’re invited inside

Are you ready to be your most successful you this year?

Go on, binge the latest posts (you know you wanna)…

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I am just a small-town, Canadian gal from the prairies who teaches thousands of creatives around the globe how to earn 6-figures stress-free!

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“Rock Your Business” Course Creator, Host of “The Anxious Creative” Podcast. Named by Salon Magazine as Canada’s #1 women of influence.

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