Oct 3, 2024

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The Best Business Advice You’ve Got All Year ( that will melt ALL your anxiety away!)

business, Featured

You know those days when everything seems to go wrong? Yep, I’m having one of those days, and boy, has the universe been testing if I live up to what I preach! So, with a chuckle and a lot of self-reflection, here I am, sharing “The Best Business Advice You’ve Heard All Year That Melts Your Anxiety Away.”

Hard Lessons & Real Talk

Last night, I tried to update my computer, and surprise – it wouldn’t let me log in afterward. Frustrating, right? So I thought, “tomorrow’s a new day.” But it brought forward my worst struggle yet: dealing with newfound procrastination. Burnout feels real, and I suspect it’s dopamine burnout from ads and readings I’ve come across.

And guess what the advice is that melts your business anxiety? Nobody, and I mean nobody, has their stuff together. Neither do I, and that’s okay. I’ve always preached messy, immediate, imperfect action in business, but when it comes down to it, I’m just as much a work in progress.

Face the Fear: The Perception Trap

Here’s the kicker – I have tried so hard to use my desktop, camera, lighting, you name it, trying to make everything look perfect. Perception has always been a thing for me. What if people think I don’t have everything together? Ironically, I share all the time that I don’t, yet my fear creeps up on me.

As a hairstylist for 20 years, looks matter. But when I went to record this podcast, I realized, what if people label me as just ordinary, not perfectly polished? It’s silly, I know. It wasn’t about being picture-perfect, but controlling how others see me.

Messy Action Over Perfection

Believe me, I’ve been down the road of needing things to look cute – like coordinating every detail, right down to making a charcuterie board perfectly for my boyfriend. Letting go of this need for things to be a certain way was tough. This control freak nature got in my way, but I’m learning that being raw and authentic matters more.

Commit to Action: Right Now, Where You Are

So, what happened? After trying endless fixes and nearly giving up, I went to get my laptop working, and of course, it started overheating. After a frustrating ordeal, my body was shaking with stress. But it dawned on me, I was delaying. At this point, the fight between my want for perfection and taking imperfect action was in full swing.

Embrace The Chaos

Friend, done is better than perfect. B plus work is still a pass, and you’ll realize it’s okay not to have it all together. Less than one percent of the time, a baseball player hits a home run. So why do we think we must knock it out of the park every time?

Beyond Business

Procrastination and perfectionism are universal. Despite my focus on business, the roots often trace back to personal experiences. Think back. Is there a past memory tied to your current hesitation? When you trace back, it’s often an old hurt resurfacing.

Wrapping Up: Take Messy Immediate Action

Friend, whatever’s holding you back, I’ve been there. If it’s that call, that post, that new venture – take messy action today. Don’t wait until everything’s perfect. Let’s promise to start right where we are, flaws and all, and serve others regardless of the imperfections. Remember, every step counts, even the messy ones!

You’ve got this, you amazing human. Stay weird, stay you, and take that bold step today!

Talk to you soon,

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I am just a small-town, Canadian gal from the prairies who teaches thousands of creatives around the globe how to earn 6-figures stress-free!

Hey, I’m Dawn!

“Rock Your Business” Course Creator, Host of “The Anxious Creative” Podcast. Named by Salon Magazine as Canada’s #1 women of influence.

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