Today I’m talking to one of my INCREDIBLE Rock Your Business students, Lauren Barton! I wanted to chat with Lauren because she turned her entire business around in a very short time, which transformed her life and prepared her for this insane pandemic we’re all experiencing right now.
When I first met Lauren, she was working 50+ hours per week, educating for a brand, and doing all her own marketing. She was double booked, had zero downtime, and hadn’t raised her prices since opening her own salon years earlier.
Now, Lauren has doubled her prices and only works four days per week! She let go of her assistant, opened an online shop, and streamlined all her business systems. Even though she hasn’t worked in 3-4 weeks at the time of this recording thanks to COVID-19, she’s cool as a cucumber (which would NOT have been the case a year ago!).
Listen in to our conversation about big change and all the anxiety and exhilaration that comes with it.
Here’s what you’ll hear in this episode:
What motivated Lauren to make these changes even though she was scared.
The specific changes she made in her business and how those have led to more peace + allowed her to provide the service she’s always wanted to give.
Losing clients doesn’t always mean losing money. Whaaaat?!
How to stop taking cancellations and losing clients personally.
How coaching (yo!) helped her move forward without overthinking.
Some of the mind traps we can get stuck in when we uplevel our businesses and how Lauren overcame them.
How to handle the discomfort of achieving the things you want. (You’ve probably never thought of this before, but it will BLOW your mind!)
How this education has prepared her for the coronavirus pandemic.
Lauren is an amazing example of what you can achieve with a little bit of guidance and determination. Now, I know it’s easy to listen to interviews and think “That’s so inspirational! Too bad I could never do that.” Well guess what? Lauren used to think that too, and now she’s that person on the podcasts inspiring everyone else.
I say it all the time and Lauren says it too: Anyone can do this. YOU can do this! It’s not luck. It’s very doable. All you need is a bit of know-how (which you can totally learn) and courage. That’s it.
For more Lauren, follow her on Instagram at @laurenbartonhair and check out her site at Hairbylaurenbarton.com!
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