So this one’s a doozy for me, and it’s a doozy for most anxious creatives!
Social media. You can’t really avoid it in today’s world. We use social media to make friends, communicate, market our businesses, and keep up with friends and family. It’s important for running a business and being a human in today’s world!
So how do you handle social media when it makes you anxious. Do you quit? Set boundaries? Take breaks? What do you do?
Listen in to find out how I strike a healthy balance with social media as an anxious creative!
Here’s what you’ll get in this episode:
How I started using social media to build my business, and how it became a major stressor that contributed to the panic attack that landed me in the hospital.
The many reasons why social media stresses us out.
How to curate your social media to create less anxiety for you. (And why it’s okay to mute people you admire.)
Curated feeds vs real life: Why your success is NOT in your aesthetic.
How I do my biannual unplugged breaks that are KEY to maintaining my mental health with social media.
Don’t be a slave to the algorithm. It’s not worth the anxiety.
Creativity and service vs consumption (this changes everything!)
Social media isn’t the key to your success. You don’t HAVE to do social media to be successful. And it definitely doesn’t have to be a major source of stress in your life.
It’s totally possible to make the most of social media and use it to grow your business without it taking over your life or driving you to panic attacks like it did for me. It takes some intention, awareness, and restraint, but it’s absolutely doable!
These tips were all game-changers for me, and I hope you love them as much as I do!
Don’t forget to grab a copy of my Client Attraction Playbook to fill your chair up with only the best clients.
You can also listen and subscribe to The Anxious Creative on
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