Are you ready for part 2 of The Anxious Creative Makes Waves?
If you haven’t checked out part 1 yet, you should pop over and check it out! Lindsay and I talked all about boundaries.
Part 2 is all about worth and I’m so lucky to be hanging out with the Queen of Worth herself, Lindsay Mayuga. (She’s seriously so freakin’ awesome.)
Listen in to hear me do my best intro song to date (this is not a debatable statement btw).
Here’s what you’ll get in this episode:
Why Lindsay believes worth is the foundation for everything
Lindsay’s wake up call 3 years ago
How to work in a way that lights you up instead of burns you out
The 5 weeks that caused Lindsay to make a big change
The mentality that may be causing you frustrations
Why you might be feeding your ego instead of your worth
My lightbulb moment
Can people make you feel bad?
Why it’s important to show up at work like your own best friend
How to see and find your worth
Lindsay’s biggest aha moments
The perfect segue to part 3
Phew! That was such an awesome episode.
Lindsay seriously IS the Queen of Worth and I’m so pumped that I get to be along for her journey.
Make sure you tune in next week for Part 3!
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