Aug 27, 2020

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The Real Reason You’re Undercharging

business, Communication


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“What if she can’t afford it?”

“What if she tells me I’m too expensive?”

“What if she goes somewhere else?”

“What if… what if… what if…?”

I know your fears, and they’re legitimate. 

I’ve been there too. 

You’re scared that…

  • All your clients will leave

  • Your loyal clients will feel “ripped off”

  • Other stylists will judge you

But can I be real with you for a second?

It’s all just a load of BS. These are excuses you’re convincing yourself to keep you feeling “safe” and stuck inside of your comfort zone. 

You know your worth and your value. You know that you have mad skills and talent.

You also know that you should re-evaluate what you’re charging and raise your prices. 

But can I let you know what the REAL fear surrounding all this is?

You’re scared other people won’t agree you’re worth it.

(Yup. Read that again if you need to.)

You’re scared that others (your clients, your friends, family, co-workers, heck, even strangers) will question you on it. And you won’t know how to back it up. 

The fear of hearing someone say:

“Wait, you’re charging me WHAT?!”

keeps you tight in your comfort zone. Even imaging that scenario has you shrinking into the darkest corners of your salon. 

It’s better to stay safe and secure and underpaid, right?

I mean… if that’s what you want. 

I was there too, friend. I under-charged and under-valued myself so deeply that it left me feeling like I wasn’t worth it. I knew I was capable, but so terrified that others wouldn’t agree, or would expose me as a fraud.

But I know you’re smarter than me and you’re ready to get out of your comfort zone and step into the place of being the paid professional that you are. 

I’d love to help make that happen for you. Grab my FREE guide to raising your prices, not your anxiety. 

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I am just a small-town, Canadian gal from the prairies who teaches thousands of creatives around the globe how to earn 6-figures stress-free!

Hey, I’m Dawn!

“Rock Your Business” Course Creator, Host of “The Anxious Creative” Podcast. Named by Salon Magazine as Canada’s #1 women of influence.

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