Jun 29, 2020

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Redefining success in the Hair Industry with Lindsay Mayuga

Communication, life, personal, podcast, Self Care (Mental Health)


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I’ve got a great episode for you today, and you might want to grab a cup of tea and a journal because we get INTO it. 

In this episode, I’m talking with Lindsay Mayuga, a coach, podcaster, and hairstylist making waves in the beauty industry and the podcasting world.

Lindsay and I have similar stories in that we both found ourselves in lives that looked good on paper even though we were miserable, and we both freed ourselves from that hamster wheel and created lives we truly love!

Lindsay is amazing and she has so much incredible wisdom to offer about success, happiness, and living life how you want to live it!


Here’s what you’ll hear in my conversation with Lindsay: 

  • The mindset that burned us both out and led to our AHA moments that prompted us to change.

  • Failure is the only guarantee…but that’s not a bad thing.

  • What we’d tell our younger, brand-new hairstylist selves.

  • Why the foundational work is super important, maybe THE most important work you’ll do in your life and business. 

  • Your experience is valuable, and your story will help you succeed and serve others at the same time! 

  • Why working with a coach (or several) can be one of the best things you do for your business and your personal life. (Plus what to look for in a good coach.)

  • The traits and tools you need to really succeed at whatever you want to do.

  • How to stop playing small and take your whole industry higher.

  • Why you don’t have to wait for fear to go away in order to succeed. 

This is a BIG conversation, and we cover basically everything you need to know to create a life you love and that you deserve.

It takes a lot of courage, a lot of letting go, and a lot of alchemizing struggle into strength. But the good news is that you have all the tools you need. You don’t have to wait for life to be perfect or for people to understand you perfectly before you can start building the life you want. 

It’s all in YOUR hands. 

I loved this conversation with Lindsay so much and I know you will too! 

For more Linsday, check out her podcast, She Makes Waves, download her awesome workbook at Linmaystudio.com, and follow her on Instagram @linmaystudio

You can also listen and subscribe to The Anxious Creative on
iTunes, Google Play and Spotify.

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I am just a small-town, Canadian gal from the prairies who teaches thousands of creatives around the globe how to earn 6-figures stress-free!

Hey, I’m Dawn!

“Rock Your Business” Course Creator, Host of “The Anxious Creative” Podcast. Named by Salon Magazine as Canada’s #1 women of influence.

Get to know me! :-)

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