This podcast is dedicated to helping you create a fulfilling life, booming business and a continually growing bank account!
Mar 21, 2022
It will never be TOTALLY easy. I’ll admit there are still moments in my business where I get nervous, but I grow each and every time I do it.
But every time, it gets a little less scary and I get stronger and I gain tools to deal with it better each time.
It will never be TOTALLY easy. I’ll admit there are still moments in my business where I get nervous, but I grow each and every time I do it.
But every time, it gets a little less scary and I get stronger and I gain tools to deal with it better each time.
We know this is a fundamental step of building a building, but why don’t we realize it about our businesses?
You’ve got the talent and skill, absolutely, but what’s holding you up when a storm comes in? Have you laid down a solid foundation that you’re building upon? Or are you trying to make a skyscraper on a bed of sand?
I just got increasingly more and more frustrated with my clients as time went on.
I started to add up the amount of money the no-shows and late-cancellations were costing me, which helped to fuel my frustration, but still didn’t motivate me to actually do anything about it.
It can be so easy to get distracted by someone else’s path to their goals. Especially with social media so readily available. And let’s be honest, it can be boring trekking down your own path so when you see someone else’s new and shiny journey, it can be easy to want to stray from your own.
Growing up biracial, Gillian didn’t understand why her hair wouldn’t do what others did.
The experience of going to salons as a kid and teenager was a big motivation for Gillian to become a stylist. For her, and for many other BIPOC individuals, every single time she went to a salon, it was a traumatic experience.
You don’t have to feel guilty for having emotions, humans are complex beings. You’re allowed to feel two things at once and it’s not “bad” or “wrong”.
I had to remind myself this just the other week. I was so excited to be welcoming the new RYB students in but I also had some deep sadness going on behind the scenes.
Join us for heartfelt conversations on navigating business, relationships, and the unique challenges of a creative life. Laugh, shed a tear, and embrace the cringe as we share stories that unite us in our struggles and triumphs. This is your space to feel understood, inspired, and less alone on your creative path.